Oil Paintings 2010-2014

"Conflicting Metaphysics", 2014, Oil on canvas, 50x60 cm. Sold, private collection in Bucharest.

"Limit of Observation", 2014, Oil on canvas, 40x40 cm. Sold, private collection in USA.

"A different perspective", 2014, Oil on canvas, 60x60 cm. Sold, private collection in Bucharest.

"Crystallization of the Selfish Gene", 2014, Oil on canvas, 100x100 cm. Available.

"Built by Earth, driven by Stars", 2014, Oil on canvas, 200x100 cm. Sold, private collection in Romania.

"Parts of something bigger", 2014, Oil on canvas, 60x60 cm. Sold, private collection in USA.

"Uncertainty principle II", 2014, Oil on canvas, 30x70 cm. Available.

"Duality of Inner Will", 2014, Oil on canvas, 50x70 cm. Sold, private collection in Bucharest.

R"omanian Folklore", 2013, Oil on canvas, 50x70 cm. Donated to the Museum of Contemporary art in Sicily.
"Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation", 2013, Oil and metal leaf on canvas, 40x60 cm. Sold, private collection in France.

"Quantum Entanglement", 2013, Oil and metal leaf on canvas, 38x48 cm. Sold, private collection in Romania.
"Feynman Diagram", 2013, Oil and metal leaf on canvas, 38x48 cm. Sold, private collection in Romania.
"Quasar", 2013, Oil and metal leaf on canvas, 38x48 cm. Available.

"Doppler Effect", 2013, Oil and metal leaf on canvas, 50x50 cm. Sold, private collection in USA.
"The Observer", 2013, Oil on canvas, 12x21 cm, Commissioned work for the Benetton Collection.

"Conductivity", 2013, Oil on canvas, 50x70 cm. Sold, private collection in USA.

"Supernova", 2013, Oil on metal, 40x160 cm. Commissioned work for Redbull Canvas cooler project
"Isabelle", 2013, Oil on canvas, 50x100cm, Sold, private collection in USA.

"Virtual Particles", 2013, Oil and metal leaf on canvas, approx. 150x300 cm. Commissioned work for a street art project in Bucharest.

"Auger Effect", 2013, Oil on canvas, 50x50 cm. Sold, private collection in Austria.

"Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation", 2013, Oil on canvas, 100x70 cm. Sold, private collection in USA.

"Higgs Boson", 2013, Oil on canvas, 100x70 cm. Sold, private collection in USA.
"At the Speed of Light", 2013, Oil on canvas, 100x70 cm. Available.

"Jupiter and beyond the Infinite", 2012, Oil on canvas, 50x100 cm. Donated to Imbold Gallery.

"Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle", 2012, Oil and metal leaf on canvas, 50x50 cm. Donated to Galateca Gallery in Bucharest.

"Venus", 2012, Oil on canvas, 50x70 cm. Sold, private collection in France.

"Simplexity", 2012, Oil on canvas, 50x100 cm. Donated to ArtYourself Gallery in Bucharest.

"Plato's Ether", 2012, Oil and metal leaf on canvas, 50x50 cm. Donated, private collection in Romania.
"Abnormalities", 2012, Oil on canvas, 40x80cm. Donated, private collection in Bucharest.

"Sebastian", 2012, Oil on canvas, 50x100 cm. Donated, private collection in Italy.

"Portrait of a friend", 2011, Oil on canvas, 40x80cm. Donated, private collection in Bucharest.
"Arlechin", 2011, Oil on canvas, 70x100cm. Sold, private collection in UK.

"PsyArm", 2010, Guache and pastel on paper, 50x70cm. Not for Sale.
"PsyLeg", 2010, Pastel and Graphite on paper, 50x70cm. Not for Sale.

"Reactor", 2010, Guache and Graphite on paper, 50x70cm. Not for Sale.
"Materialization (Mother)", 2010, Acrylic on paper, 70x100cm. Not for Sale.